Simplicity | In Business & Life with Mia Paulus

What Is Customer Success

January 26, 2021 Mia Paulus Season 1 Episode 23

“Customer experience describes a customer's interactions with your team members and your product throughout their entire journey. Customer success focuses on understanding that experience and working to improve it with the goal of mutually beneficial growth.”

Customer Success is proactive - How to deliver new ways for the customer. The Substance

Customer Experience is interactive - Delivering

Customer success - doing whatever it takes to make them successful. To do that need to know they are your ideal customer. 

Talk about funnel 

Ensure they have the tools and support they need to achieve their goals. 

More than it starting with the sales team. Educating them before and throughout. 

Teach them. Educate them. 

Customers are going to you to solve a problem or get a result. Customer successes job is making sure their needs are being met in the way they intended them to being met and also aligning with who you are and your ideal customer.